AIM: Logical Anderson Impurity Model on Sqale using CUDA-Q
Ground state quantum chemistry—computing total energies of molecular configurations to within chemical accuracy—is perhaps the most highly-touted industrial application of fault-tolerant quantum computers. Strongly correlated materials, for example, are particularly interesting, and tools like dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) allow one to account for the effect of their strong, localized electronic correlations. These DMFT models help predict material properties by approximating the system as a single site impurity inside a “bath” that encompasses the rest of the system. Simulating such dynamics can be a tough task using classical methods, but can be done efficiently on a quantum computer via quantum simulation.
In this notebook, we showcase a workflow for preparing the ground state of the minimal single-impurity Anderson model (SIAM) using the Hamiltonian Variational Ansatz for a range of realistic parameters. As a first step towards running DMFT on a fault-tolerant quantum computer, we will use logical qubits encoded in the [[4, 2, 2]]
code. Using this workflow, we will obtain the ground state energy estimates via noisy simulation, and then also execute the corresponding optimized circuits on
Infleqtion’s gate-based neutral-atom quantum computer, making the benefits of logical qubits apparent. More details can be found in our paper.
This demo notebook uses CUDA-Q (cudaq
) and a CUDA-QX library, cudaq-solvers
; let us first begin by importing (and installing as needed) these packages:
import cudaq_solvers as solvers
import cudaq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
print("Installing required packages...")
%pip install --quiet 'cudaq-solvers' 'matplotlib'
print("Installed `cudaq`, `cudaq-solvers`, and `matplotlib` packages.")
print("You may need to restart the kernel to import newly installed packages.")
import cudaq_solvers as solvers
import cudaq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import Mapping, Sequence
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import os
Performing logical Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) with CUDA-QX
To prepare our ground state quantum Anderson impurity model circuits (referred to as AIM circuits in this notebook for short), we use VQE to train an ansatz to minimize a Hamiltonian and obtain optimal angles that can be used to set the AIM circuits. As described in our paper, the associated restricted Hamiltonian for our SIAM can be reduced to,
where \(U\) is the Coulomb interaction and \(V\) the hybridization strength. In this notebook workflow, we will optimize over a 2-dimensional grid of Hamiltonian parameter values, namely \(U\in \{1, 5, 9\}\) and \(V\in \{-9, -1, 7\}\) (with all values assumed to be in units of eV), to ensure that the ansatz is generally trainable and expressive, and obtain 9 different circuit layers identified by the key \((U, V)\). We will simulate the VQE on GPU (or optionally on CPU if you do not have GPU access), enabled by CUDA-Q, in the absence of noise:
if cudaq.num_available_gpus() == 0:
cudaq.set_target("qpp-cpu", option="fp64")
cudaq.set_target("nvidia", option="fp64")
This workflow can be easily defined in CUDA-Q as shown in the cell below, using the CUDA-QX Solvers library (which accelerates quantum algorithms like the VQE):
def ansatz(n_qubits: int) -> cudaq.Kernel:
# Create a CUDA-Q parameterized kernel
paramterized_ansatz, variational_angles = cudaq.make_kernel(list)
qubits = paramterized_ansatz.qalloc(n_qubits)
# Using |+> as the initial state:
paramterized_ansatz.h(qubits[0])[0], qubits[1])
paramterized_ansatz.rx(variational_angles[0], qubits[0])[0], qubits[1])
paramterized_ansatz.rz(variational_angles[1], qubits[1])[0], qubits[1])
return paramterized_ansatz
def run_logical_vqe(cudaq_hamiltonian: cudaq.SpinOperator) -> tuple[float, list[float]]:
# Set seed for easier reproduction
# Initial angles for the optimizer
init_angles = np.random.random(2) * 1e-1
# Obtain CUDA-Q Ansatz
num_qubits = cudaq_hamiltonian.get_qubit_count()
variational_kernel = ansatz(num_qubits)
# Perform VQE optimization
energy, params, _ = solvers.vqe(
return energy, params
Constructing circuits in the [[4,2,2]]
The [[4,2,2]]
code is a quantum error detection code that uses four physical qubits to encode two logical qubits. In this notebook, we will construct two variants of quantum circuits: physical (bare, unencoded) and logical (encoded). These circuits will be informed by the Hamiltonian Variational Ansatz described earlier. To measure all the terms in our Hamiltonian, we will measure the data qubits in both the \(Z\)- and \(X\)-basis, as allowed by the [[4,2,2]]
logical gateset.
Full details on the circuit constructions are outlined in our paper.
Below, we create functions to build our CUDA-Q AIM circuits, both physical and logical versions. As we consider noisy simulation in this notebook, we will include some noisy gates. Here, for simplicity, we will just register a custom identity gate – to be later used as a noisy operation to model readout error:
cudaq.register_operation("meas_id", np.identity(2))
def aim_physical_circuit(
angles: list[float], basis: str, *, ignore_meas_id: bool = False
) -> cudaq.Kernel:
kernel = cudaq.make_kernel()
qubits = kernel.qalloc(2)
# Bell state prep
kernel.h(qubits[0])[0], qubits[1])
# Rx Gate
kernel.rx(angles[0], qubits[0])
# ZZ rotation[0], qubits[1])
kernel.rz(angles[1], qubits[1])[0], qubits[1])
if basis == "z_basis":
if not ignore_meas_id:
start=0, stop=2, function=lambda q_idx: getattr(kernel, "meas_id")(qubits[q_idx])
elif basis == "x_basis":
if not ignore_meas_id:
start=0, stop=2, function=lambda q_idx: getattr(kernel, "meas_id")(qubits[q_idx])
raise ValueError("Unsupported basis provided:", basis)
return kernel
def aim_logical_circuit(
angles: list[float], basis: str, *, ignore_meas_id: bool = False
) -> cudaq.Kernel:
kernel = cudaq.make_kernel()
qubits = kernel.qalloc(6)
kernel.for_loop(start=0, stop=3, function=lambda idx: kernel.h(qubits[idx]))[1], qubits[4])[2], qubits[3])[0], qubits[1])[0], qubits[3])
# Rx teleportation
kernel.rx(angles[0], qubits[0])[0], qubits[1])[0], qubits[3])
if basis == "z_basis":
if not ignore_meas_id:
start=0, stop=5, function=lambda idx: getattr(kernel, "meas_id")(qubits[idx])
elif basis == "x_basis":
# ZZ rotation and teleportation[3], qubits[5])[2], qubits[5])
kernel.rz(angles[1], qubits[5])[1], qubits[5])[4], qubits[5])
kernel.for_loop(start=1, stop=5, function=lambda idx: kernel.h(qubits[idx]))
if not ignore_meas_id:
start=0, stop=6, function=lambda idx: getattr(kernel, "meas_id")(qubits[idx])
raise ValueError("Unsupported basis provided:", basis)
return kernel
With the circuit definitions above, we can now define a function that automatically runs the VQE and constructs a dictionary containing all the AIM circuits we want to submit to hardware (or noisily simulate):
def generate_circuit_set(ignore_meas_id: bool = False) -> object:
u_vals = [1, 5, 9]
v_vals = [-9, -1, 7]
circuit_dict = {}
for u in u_vals:
for v in v_vals:
qubit_hamiltonian = (
0.25 * u * cudaq.spin.z(0) * cudaq.spin.z(1)
- 0.25 * u
+ v * cudaq.spin.x(0)
+ v * cudaq.spin.x(1)
_, opt_params = run_logical_vqe(qubit_hamiltonian)
angles = [float(angle) for angle in opt_params]
print(f"Computed optimal angles={angles} for U={u}, V={v}")
tmp_physical_dict = {}
tmp_logical_dict = {}
for basis in ("z_basis", "x_basis"):
tmp_physical_dict[basis] = aim_physical_circuit(
angles, basis, ignore_meas_id=ignore_meas_id
tmp_logical_dict[basis] = aim_logical_circuit(
angles, basis, ignore_meas_id=ignore_meas_id
circuit_dict[f"{u}:{v}"] = {
"physical": tmp_physical_dict,
"logical": tmp_logical_dict,
print("\nFinished building optimized circuits!")
return circuit_dict
sim_circuit_dict = generate_circuit_set()
circuit_layers = sim_circuit_dict.keys()
Computed optimal angles=[1.5846845738799267, 1.5707961678256028] for U=1, V=-9
Computed optimal angles=[4.588033710930825, 4.712388365176642] for U=1, V=-1
Computed optimal angles=[-1.588651490745171, 1.5707962742876598] for U=1, V=7
Computed optimal angles=[1.64012940802256, 1.5707963354922125] for U=5, V=-9
Computed optimal angles=[2.1293956916868737, 1.5707963294715355] for U=5, V=-1
Computed optimal angles=[-1.6598458659836037, 1.570796331040382] for U=5, V=7
Computed optimal angles=[1.695151467539617, 1.5707960973500679] for U=9, V=-9
Computed optimal angles=[2.4149519241823376, 1.5707928509325972] for U=9, V=-1
Computed optimal angles=[-1.7301462729177735, 1.570796033796985] for U=9, V=7
Finished building optimized circuits!
Setting up submission and decoding workflow
In this section, we define various helper functions that will play a role in generating the associated energies of the AIM circuits based on the circuit samples (in the different bases), as well as decode the logical circuits with post-selection informed by the [[4,2,2]]
def _num_qubits(counts: Mapping[str, float]) -> int:
for key in counts:
if key.isdecimal():
return len(key)
return 0
def process_counts(
counts: Mapping[str, float],
data_qubits: Sequence[int],
flag_qubits: Sequence[int] = (),
) -> dict[str, float]:
new_data: dict[str, float] = {}
for key, val in counts.items():
if not all(key[i] == "0" for i in flag_qubits):
new_key = "".join(key[i] for i in data_qubits)
if not set("01").issuperset(new_key):
new_data.setdefault(new_key, 0)
new_data[new_key] += val
return new_data
def decode(counts: Mapping[str, float]) -> dict[str, float]:
"""Decode physical counts into logical counts. Should be called after `process_counts`."""
if not counts:
return {}
num_qubits = _num_qubits(counts)
assert num_qubits % 4 == 0
physical_to_logical = {
"0000": "00",
"1111": "00",
"0011": "01",
"1100": "01",
"0101": "10",
"1010": "10",
"0110": "11",
"1001": "11",
new_data: dict[str, float] = {}
for key, val in counts.items():
physical_keys = [key[i : i + 4] for i in range(0, num_qubits, 4)]
logical_keys = [physical_to_logical.get(physical_key) for physical_key in physical_keys]
if None not in logical_keys:
new_key = "".join(logical_keys)
new_data.setdefault(new_key, 0)
new_data[new_key] += val
return new_data
def ev_x(counts: Mapping[str, float]) -> float:
ev = 0.0
for k, val in counts.items():
ev += val * ((-1) ** int(k[0]) + (-1) ** int(k[1]))
total = sum(counts.values())
ev /= total
return ev
def ev_xx(counts: Mapping[str, float]) -> float:
ev = 0.0
for k, val in counts.items():
ev += val * (-1) ** k.count("1")
total = sum(counts.values())
ev /= total
return ev
def ev_zz(counts: Mapping[str, float]) -> float:
ev = 0.0
for k, val in counts.items():
ev += val * (-1) ** k.count("1")
total = sum(counts.values())
ev /= total
return ev
def aim_logical_energies(
data_ordering: object, counts_list: Sequence[dict[str, float]]
) -> tuple[dict[tuple[int, int], float], dict[tuple[int, int], float]]:
counts_data = {
data_ordering[i]: decode(
data_qubits=[1, 2, 3, 4],
flag_qubits=[0, 5],
for i, counts in enumerate(counts_list)
return _aim_energies(counts_data)
def aim_physical_energies(
data_ordering: object, counts_list: Sequence[dict[str, float]]
) -> tuple[dict[tuple[int, int], float], dict[tuple[int, int], float]]:
counts_data = {
data_ordering[i]: process_counts(
data_qubits=[0, 1],
for i, counts in enumerate(counts_list)
return _aim_energies(counts_data)
def _aim_energies(
counts_data: Mapping[tuple[int, int, str], dict[str, float]],
) -> tuple[dict[tuple[int, int], float], dict[tuple[int, int], float]]:
evxs: dict[tuple[int, int], float] = {}
evxxs: dict[tuple[int, int], float] = {}
evzzs: dict[tuple[int, int], float] = {}
totals: dict[tuple[int, int], float] = {}
for key, counts in counts_data.items():
h_params, basis = key
key_a, key_b = h_params.split(":")
u, v = int(key_a), int(key_b)
if basis.startswith("x"):
evxs[u, v] = ev_x(counts)
evxxs[u, v] = ev_xx(counts)
evzzs[u, v] = ev_zz(counts)
totals.setdefault((u, v), 0)
totals[u, v] += sum(counts.values())
energies = {}
uncertainties = {}
for u, v in evxs.keys() & evzzs.keys():
string_key = f"{u}:{v}"
energies[string_key] = u * (evzzs[u, v] - 1) / 4 + v * evxs[u, v]
uncertainty_xx = 2 * v**2 * (1 + evxxs[u, v]) - u * v * evxs[u, v] / 2
uncertainty_zz = u**2 * (1 - evzzs[u, v]) / 2
uncertainties[string_key] = np.sqrt(
(uncertainty_zz + uncertainty_xx - energies[string_key] ** 2) / (totals[u, v] / 2)
return energies, uncertainties
def _get_energy_diff(
bf_energies: dict[str, float],
physical_energies: dict[str, float],
logical_energies: dict[str, float],
) -> tuple[list[float], list[float]]:
physical_energy_diff = []
logical_energy_diff = []
# Data ordering following `bf_energies` keys
for layer in bf_energies.keys():
physical_sim_energy = physical_energies[layer]
logical_sim_energy = logical_energies[layer]
true_energy = bf_energies[layer]
u, v = layer.split(":")
print(f"Layer=({u}, {v}) has brute-force energy of: {true_energy}")
print(f"Physical circuit of layer=({u}, {v}) got an energy of: {physical_sim_energy}")
print(f"Logical circuit of layer=({u}, {v}) got an energy of: {logical_sim_energy}")
print("-" * 72)
if logical_sim_energy < physical_sim_energy:
print("Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!")
print("Physical circuit achieved the lower energy")
print("-" * 72, "\n")
-1 * (true_energy - physical_sim_energy)
) # Multiply by -1 since negative energies
logical_energy_diff.append(-1 * (true_energy - logical_sim_energy))
return physical_energy_diff, logical_energy_diff
def submit_aim_circuits(
circuit_dict: object,
folder_path: str = "future_aim_results",
shots_count: int = 1000,
noise_model: cudaq.mlir._mlir_libs._quakeDialects.cudaq_runtime.NoiseModel | None = None,
run_async: bool = False,
) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, int]]] | None:
if run_async:
os.makedirs(folder_path, exist_ok=True)
aim_results = {"physical": [], "logical": []}
for layer in circuit_dict.keys():
if run_async:
print(f"Posting circuits associated with layer=('{layer}')")
print(f"Running circuits associated with layer=('{layer}')")
for basis in ("z_basis", "x_basis"):
if run_async:
u, v = layer.split(":")
tmp_physical_results = cudaq.sample_async(
circuit_dict[layer]["physical"][basis], shots_count=shots_count
file = open(f"{folder_path}/physical_{basis}_job_u={u}_v={v}_result.txt", "w")
tmp_logical_results = cudaq.sample_async(
circuit_dict[layer]["logical"][basis], shots_count=shots_count
file = open(f"{folder_path}/logical_{basis}_job_u={u}_v={v}_result.txt", "w")
tmp_physical_results = cudaq.sample(
tmp_logical_results = cudaq.sample(
aim_results["physical"].append({k: v for k, v in tmp_physical_results.items()})
aim_results["logical"].append({k: v for k, v in tmp_logical_results.items()})
if not run_async:
print("\nCompleted all circuit sampling!")
return aim_results
print("\nAll circuits submitted for async sampling!")
def _get_async_results(
layers: object, *, folder_path: str = "future_aim_results"
) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, int]]]:
aim_results = {"physical": [], "logical": []}
for layer in layers:
print(f"Retrieving all circuits counts associated with layer=('{layer}')")
u, v = layer.split(":")
for basis in ("z_basis", "x_basis"):
file = open(f"{folder_path}/physical_{basis}_job_u={u}_v={v}_result.txt", "r")
tmp_physical_results = cudaq.AsyncSampleResult(str(
physical_counts = tmp_physical_results.get()
file = open(f"{folder_path}/logical_{basis}_job_u={u}_v={v}_result.txt", "r")
tmp_logical_results = cudaq.AsyncSampleResult(str(
logical_counts = tmp_logical_results.get()
aim_results["physical"].append({k: v for k, v in physical_counts.items()})
aim_results["logical"].append({k: v for k, v in logical_counts.items()})
print("\nObtained all circuit samples!")
return aim_results
Running a CUDA-Q noisy simulation
In this section, we will first explore the performance of the physical and logical circuits under the influence of a device noise model. This will help us predict experimental results, as well as understand the dominant error sources at play. Such a simulation can be achieved via CUDA-Q’s density matrix simulator:
def get_device_noise(
depolar_prob_1q: float,
depolar_prob_2q: float,
readout_error_prob: float | None = None,
custom_gates: list[str] | None = None,
) -> cudaq.mlir._mlir_libs._quakeDialects.cudaq_runtime.NoiseModel:
noise = cudaq.NoiseModel()
depolar_noise = cudaq.DepolarizationChannel(depolar_prob_1q)
noisy_ops = ["z", "s", "x", "h", "rx", "rz"]
for op in noisy_ops:
noise.add_all_qubit_channel(op, depolar_noise)
if custom_gates:
custom_depolar_channel = cudaq.DepolarizationChannel(depolar_prob_1q)
for op in custom_gates:
noise.add_all_qubit_channel(op, custom_depolar_channel)
# Two qubit depolarization error
p_0 = 1 - depolar_prob_2q
p_1 = np.sqrt((1 - p_0**2) / 3)
k0 = np.array(
[[p_0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, p_0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, p_0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, p_0]],
k1 = np.array(
[[0.0, 0.0, p_1, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, p_1], [p_1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, p_1, 0.0, 0.0]],
k2 = np.array(
[0.0, 0.0, -1j * p_1, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1j * p_1],
[1j * p_1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 1j * p_1, 0.0, 0.0],
k3 = np.array(
[[p_1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, p_1, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -p_1, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -p_1]],
kraus_channel = cudaq.KrausChannel([k0, k1, k2, k3])
noise.add_all_qubit_channel("cz", kraus_channel)
noise.add_all_qubit_channel("cx", kraus_channel)
if readout_error_prob is not None:
# Readout error modeled with a Bit flip channel on identity before measurement
bit_flip = cudaq.BitFlipChannel(readout_error_prob)
noise.add_all_qubit_channel("meas_id", bit_flip)
return noise
Finally, with our example noise model defined above, we can synchronously & noisily sample all of our AIM circuits by passing noise_model=cudaq_noise_model
to the workflow containing function submit_aim_circuits()
# Example parameters that can model execution on hardware at the high, simulation, level:
# Take single-qubit gate depolarization rate: ~0.2% or better (fidelity ≥99.8%)
# Take two-qubit gate depolarization rate: ~1–2% (fidelity ~98–99%)
cudaq_noise_model = get_device_noise(0.002, 0.02, readout_error_prob=0.02)
aim_sim_data = submit_aim_circuits(sim_circuit_dict, noise_model=cudaq_noise_model)
Running circuits associated with layer=('1:-9')
Running circuits associated with layer=('1:-1')
Running circuits associated with layer=('1:7')
Running circuits associated with layer=('5:-9')
Running circuits associated with layer=('5:-1')
Running circuits associated with layer=('5:7')
Running circuits associated with layer=('9:-9')
Running circuits associated with layer=('9:-1')
Running circuits associated with layer=('9:7')
Completed all circuit sampling!
data_ordering = []
for key in circuit_layers:
for basis in ("z_basis", "x_basis"):
data_ordering.append((key, basis))
sim_physical_energies, sim_physical_uncertainties = aim_physical_energies(
data_ordering, aim_sim_data["physical"]
sim_logical_energies, sim_logical_uncertainties = aim_logical_energies(
data_ordering, aim_sim_data["logical"]
To analyze our simulated energy results in the above cells, we will compare them to the brute-force computed exact ground state energies for the AIM Hamiltonian. For simplicity, these are already stored in the dictionary bf_energies
bf_energies = {
"1:-9": -18.251736027394713,
"1:-1": -2.265564437074638,
"1:7": -14.252231964940428,
"5:-9": -19.293350575766127,
"5:-1": -3.608495283014149,
"5:7": -15.305692796870582,
"9:-9": -20.39007993367173,
"9:-1": -5.260398644698076,
"9:7": -16.429650912487233,
With the above metric, we can assess the performance of the logical circuits against the physical circuits by considering how far away the respective energies are from the brute-force expected energies. The cell below computes these energy deviations:
sim_physical_energy_diff, sim_logical_energy_diff = _get_energy_diff(
bf_energies, sim_physical_energies, sim_logical_energies
Layer=(1, -9) has brute-force energy of: -18.251736027394713
Physical circuit of layer=(1, -9) got an energy of: -15.5275
Logical circuit of layer=(1, -9) got an energy of: -17.151020829036916
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(1, -1) has brute-force energy of: -2.265564437074638
Physical circuit of layer=(1, -1) got an energy of: -1.9745
Logical circuit of layer=(1, -1) got an energy of: -2.1268498061611574
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(1, 7) has brute-force energy of: -14.252231964940428
Physical circuit of layer=(1, 7) got an energy of: -11.9755
Logical circuit of layer=(1, 7) got an energy of: -13.565638751650726
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(5, -9) has brute-force energy of: -19.293350575766127
Physical circuit of layer=(5, -9) got an energy of: -16.6285
Logical circuit of layer=(5, -9) got an energy of: -18.38040026051508
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(5, -1) has brute-force energy of: -3.608495283014149
Physical circuit of layer=(5, -1) got an energy of: -3.309
Logical circuit of layer=(5, -1) got an energy of: -3.5374647301794413
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(5, 7) has brute-force energy of: -15.305692796870582
Physical circuit of layer=(5, 7) got an energy of: -13.413
Logical circuit of layer=(5, 7) got an energy of: -14.602247392308305
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(9, -9) has brute-force energy of: -20.39007993367173
Physical circuit of layer=(9, -9) got an energy of: -17.883
Logical circuit of layer=(9, -9) got an energy of: -19.290700765203383
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(9, -1) has brute-force energy of: -5.260398644698076
Physical circuit of layer=(9, -1) got an energy of: -4.671
Logical circuit of layer=(9, -1) got an energy of: -4.993866818129227
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(9, 7) has brute-force energy of: -16.429650912487233
Physical circuit of layer=(9, 7) got an energy of: -14.431
Logical circuit of layer=(9, 7) got an energy of: -15.700114086383103
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Both physical and logical circuits were subject to the same noise model, but the [[4,2,2]]
provides additional information that can help overcome some errors. Visualizing the computed energy differences from the above the cell, our noisy simulation provides a preview of the benefits logical qubits can offer:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 7), dpi=200)
layer_labels = [(int(key.split(":")[0]), int(key.split(":")[1])) for key in bf_energies.keys()]
plot_labels = [str(item) for item in layer_labels]
ecolor=(20 / 255.0, 26 / 255.0, 94 / 255.0),
color=(20 / 255.0, 26 / 255.0, 94 / 255.0),
color=(0, 177 / 255.0, 152 / 255.0),
ecolor=(0, 177 / 255.0, 152 / 255.0),
ax.set_xlabel("Hamiltonian Parameters (U, V)", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("Energy above true ground state (in eV)", fontsize=18)
ax.set_title("CUDA-Q AIM Circuits Simulation (lower is better)", fontsize=20)
ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=18.5)
ax.axhline(y=0, color="black", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
top=max(sim_physical_energy_diff) + max(sim_physical_uncertainties.values()) + 0.2, bottom=-0.2

Running logical AIM on Infleqtion’s hardware
The entire workflow we’ve seen thus far can be seamlessly executed on real quantum hardware as well. CUDA-Q has integration with Infleqtion’s gate-based neutral atom quantum computer, Sqale, allowing execution of CUDA-Q kernels on neutral-atom hardware via Infleqtion’s cross-platform Superstaq compiler API that performs low-level compilation and optimization under the hood. Indeed, the AIM research results seen in our paper were obtained via this complete end-to-end workflow.
To do so, users can obtain a Superstaq API key from to gain access to Infleqtion’s neutral-atom simulator, with pre-registration open for access to Infleqtion’s neutral atom QPU.
As a tutorial, let us reproduce the workflow we’ve run so far but on Infleqtion’s QPU. We begin with the same GPU-enhanced VQE to generate the AIM circuits:
if cudaq.num_available_gpus() == 0:
cudaq.set_target("qpp-cpu", option="fp64")
cudaq.set_target("nvidia", option="fp64")
device_circuit_dict = generate_circuit_set(
) # Setting `ignore_meas_id=True` drops the noisy-identity gate from earlier
Computed optimal angles=[1.5846845738799267, 1.5707961678256028] for U=1, V=-9
Computed optimal angles=[4.588033710930825, 4.712388365176642] for U=1, V=-1
Computed optimal angles=[-1.588651490745171, 1.5707962742876598] for U=1, V=7
Computed optimal angles=[1.64012940802256, 1.5707963354922125] for U=5, V=-9
Computed optimal angles=[2.1293956916868737, 1.5707963294715355] for U=5, V=-1
Computed optimal angles=[-1.6598458659836037, 1.570796331040382] for U=5, V=7
Computed optimal angles=[1.695151467539617, 1.5707960973500679] for U=9, V=-9
Computed optimal angles=[2.4149519241823376, 1.5707928509325972] for U=9, V=-1
Computed optimal angles=[-1.7301462729177735, 1.570796033796985] for U=9, V=7
Finished building optimized circuits!
And now, we change backends! Before selecting an Infleqtion machine in CUDA-Q, we must first set our Superstaq API key, like so:
# os.environ['SUPERSTAQ_API_KEY'] = "api_key"
Next, we declare the type of execution we would like on Infleqtion’s machine based on the keyword options specified:
[ ]:
# Note: The Infleqtion target requires `cudaq>0.9.0`
# Set the following to run on Infleqtion's Sqale QPU:
cudaq.set_target("infleqtion", machine="cq_sqale_qpu")
# Set the following to run an ideal dry-run on Infleqtion's Sqale QPU:
# cudaq.set_target("infleqtion", machine="cq_sqale_qpu", method="dry-run")
# Set the following to run a device-realistic noisy simulation of Infleqtion's Sqale QPU:
# cudaq.set_target("infleqtion", machine="cq_sqale_qpu", method="noise-sim")
# Set the following to run a local, ideal emulation:
# cudaq.set_target("infleqtion", emulate=True)
With that, we’re all set! That simple change instructs our AIM circuits to execute on Infleqtion’s QPU (or simulator). Due to the general queue wait time of running on hardware, we optionally recommend enabling the run_async=True
flag to asynchronously sample the circuits. This will allow the cell to be executed and not wait synchronously until all the jobs are complete, allowing other classical code to be run in the meantime. When using run_async
, an optional directory to store the job
information can be specified with folder_path
(this will be important to later retrieve the job results from the same directory)
device_circuit_dict, folder_path="hardware_aim_future_results", shots_count=1000, run_async=True
Posting circuits associated with layer=('1:-9')
Posting circuits associated with layer=('1:-1')
Posting circuits associated with layer=('1:7')
Posting circuits associated with layer=('5:-9')
Posting circuits associated with layer=('5:-1')
Posting circuits associated with layer=('5:7')
Posting circuits associated with layer=('9:-9')
Posting circuits associated with layer=('9:-1')
Posting circuits associated with layer=('9:7')
All circuits submitted for async sampling!
With the above cell execution, all the circuits will post to execute on QPU. We can then return at a later time to retrieve the job results with the cell below:
aim_device_data = _get_async_results(circuit_layers, folder_path="hardware_aim_future_results")
Retrieving all circuits counts associated with layer=('1:-9')
Retrieving all circuits counts associated with layer=('1:-1')
Retrieving all circuits counts associated with layer=('1:7')
Retrieving all circuits counts associated with layer=('5:-9')
Retrieving all circuits counts associated with layer=('5:-1')
Retrieving all circuits counts associated with layer=('5:7')
Retrieving all circuits counts associated with layer=('9:-9')
Retrieving all circuits counts associated with layer=('9:-1')
Retrieving all circuits counts associated with layer=('9:7')
Obtained all circuit samples!
physical_energies, physical_uncertainties = aim_physical_energies(
data_ordering, aim_device_data["physical"]
logical_energies, logical_uncertainties = aim_logical_energies(
data_ordering, aim_device_data["logical"]
physical_energy_diff, logical_energy_diff = _get_energy_diff(
bf_energies, physical_energies, logical_energies
Layer=(1, -9) has brute-force energy of: -18.251736027394713
Physical circuit of layer=(1, -9) got an energy of: -17.626499999999997
Logical circuit of layer=(1, -9) got an energy of: -17.69666562801761
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(1, -1) has brute-force energy of: -2.265564437074638
Physical circuit of layer=(1, -1) got an energy of: -2.1415
Logical circuit of layer=(1, -1) got an energy of: -2.2032104443266585
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(1, 7) has brute-force energy of: -14.252231964940428
Physical circuit of layer=(1, 7) got an energy of: -12.9955
Logical circuit of layer=(1, 7) got an energy of: -13.76919450035401
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(5, -9) has brute-force energy of: -19.293350575766127
Physical circuit of layer=(5, -9) got an energy of: -18.331
Logical circuit of layer=(5, -9) got an energy of: -18.85730052910377
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(5, -1) has brute-force energy of: -3.608495283014149
Physical circuit of layer=(5, -1) got an energy of: -3.476
Logical circuit of layer=(5, -1) got an energy of: -3.5425689231532203
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(5, 7) has brute-force energy of: -15.305692796870582
Physical circuit of layer=(5, 7) got an energy of: -14.043500000000002
Logical circuit of layer=(5, 7) got an energy of: -14.795918428433312
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(9, -9) has brute-force energy of: -20.39007993367173
Physical circuit of layer=(9, -9) got an energy of: -19.4715
Logical circuit of layer=(9, -9) got an energy of: -19.96524696701215
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(9, -1) has brute-force energy of: -5.260398644698076
Physical circuit of layer=(9, -1) got an energy of: -4.973
Logical circuit of layer=(9, -1) got an energy of: -5.207315773582224
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
Layer=(9, 7) has brute-force energy of: -16.429650912487233
Physical circuit of layer=(9, 7) got an energy of: -15.182
Logical circuit of layer=(9, 7) got an energy of: -16.241375689575516
Logical circuit achieved the lower energy!
As before, we use the same metric of comparing against the true ground state energies; however, this time, both the physical and logical circuits are fully exposed to real hardware noise. Yet, we expect the use of logical qubits afforded to us by the [[4,2,2]]
code to achieve energies closer to the true ground state than the bare physical circuits (up to a certain error threshold). And indeed they do! Visually, we can plot the energy deviations of both the physical and logical circuits from
the cell above and observe that the logical circuits are able to outperform the physical circuits by obtaining much lower energies, demonstrating the power of error detection and the beginning possibilities of fault-tolerant quantum computation:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 7), dpi=200)
ecolor=(20 / 255.0, 26 / 255.0, 94 / 255.0),
color=(20 / 255.0, 26 / 255.0, 94 / 255.0),
color=(0, 177 / 255.0, 152 / 255.0),
ecolor=(0, 177 / 255.0, 152 / 255.0),
ax.set_xlabel("Hamiltonian Parameters (U, V)", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("Energy above true ground state (in eV)", fontsize=18)
ax.set_title("CUDA-Q AIM Infleqtion Hardware Execution (lower is better)", fontsize=20)
ax.legend(loc="upper left", fontsize=18.5)
ax.axhline(y=0, color="black", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
plt.ylim(top=max(physical_energy_diff) + max(physical_uncertainties.values()) + 0.2, bottom=-0.2)